ICO Kepler, Creating KEP Token for Social Network Development

The key questions everyone should ask before buying into Kepler's ICO are: What token to use? In the case of Kepler, the tokens will become the Main Token in the development of the Social Kepler Network under the name KEP. Kepler Tokens are utility tokens, manufactured in accordance with the ERC20 standard in Ethereal Blockchain.... Continue Reading →

Triforce Platform, Creating Ecosystems for Developers and Video Game Players

In just under a decade, what is the underlying architecture? Blockchain for cryptocur- rations is now poised to revolutionize industries as varied as fi nance, healthcare, insurance, gaming, publishing and even food delivery. One company that uses Blockchain technology is the Triforce Platform. TRIFORCE PLATFORM Triforce is a platform that is engaged in the game... Continue Reading →

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